Legal Services in Dresden

Legal Services in Dresden

Updated on Friday 21st April 2017

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Many investors decide to start a business activity in Dresden, because of the economic importance of this big urban center. In order to speed up the process of registration you can rely on the legal services in Dresden provided by our law firm in Germany. Our attorneys can handle as well other issues connected to your business such as tax planning or legal representation, depending on your needs as an investor in the region. 

Company formation in Dresden

Many investors call on legal assistance in Dresden for matters connected to company formation. Our German lawyers are prepared to offer the needed support in the elaboration of the required documentation for the initiation of a company. Moreover they can explain to you the legal structures provided by the German state so that you can choose a company type which is most advantageous and suitable to your business objectives in Dresden
Whether you decide on a limited liability company (GmbH) or on a general partnership (OHG) or on another legal form for your company, our legal assistants can help you with the registration procedure and with the filing of your application to the local trade office (Gewerbe/Ordnungsmat). The opening of a bank account allocated to your company can also be handled by our attorneys in Germany in order to let you continue your business activity without unwanted disruptions. 

Mergers and acquisitions

Another two legal services in Dresden which are very employed by foreign investors are the merging and acquisition procedures. Our law firm in Germany can help you stipulate your requirements in the various agreements that you intend to sign, making sure at the same time that they comply with the local legislation. 

Arbitrations, mediations and corporate litigations in Dresden

Our law firm in Germany deals with care those situations in which your company may enter disputes with other legal entities. Through an arbitration procedure your business can easily go over such moments. Whether mediation is required you can as well rely on the legal support of our attorneys in Germany
If you will need at any point in your business activity court representation, our law firm is ready to defend your position and your rights. In a litigation process, our lawyers will apply to your particular case and in your interest the German legislation. 

Tax advice and planning 

Among the legal services in Dresden provided by our attorneys in Germany you may find tax planning and tax advice. The success of a company depends in great measure on a personalized strategy and on informed implementations of the legal possibilities to the business opportunities of the market. You can find out more about tax minimization in Germany from our attorneys in Dresden. 

Licenses and permits

The applications for licenses and permits can also be intermediated by our German lawyers. You can confidently rely on their support and information regarding the legal requirements of the government which apply to the domain of activity of your company. 

Termination of business activities

The legal services in Dresden provided by our firm can accompany your enterprise at any time of its development, and even help you sort out the final issues implied by the termination of your business activity. Our German lawyers can resolve with attention the company liquidation procedure so that you can be sure that everything has been sorted out in order and dedicate yourself to your other projects. 
Our law firm in Germany remains at your disposal with various legal services in Dresden.